Carnelian Bracelets

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Carnelian Bracelet


$269.00 USD
Carnelian Barcelet


$279.00 USD

Sagacia’s Finest Statement Carnelian Bracelets in The Most Beautiful Orange-Red Shades

As a gemstone well recognized for its orangish, yellowish, and reddish color, the carnelian stone is used a lot for making beautiful gemstone jewelry that is sturdy and durable. Although carnelian jewelry, specifically carnelian bracelets is in vogue nowadays, these jewelry items have been used in making beautiful jewelry for thousands of years. Carnelian beads that are about 12,000 years old, which are of the Neolithic Era, have been found in Bulgaria, along with other carnelian artifacts. Apart from beads, intricate carnelian bracelets that belong to the Bronze Age are found on the island of Crete (which is located in Greece). With both of these instances, we can conclude that humans of past civilizations loved carnelian and for them, carnelian was desirable.

If you talk about recent times, carnelian has emerged as a popular choice for making sterling silver jewelry – because this stone is highly affordable and also because this stone looks beautiful when set in 925 sterling silver. It’s a known fact among jewelers that carnelian is one of the least costing chalcedonies, and because this stone is mined in various locations all around the world, it is easily accessible to all classes of the social hierarchy around various locations of the globe. As carnelian is a chalcedony, you can conclude that it comprises of quartz or silicon dioxide (if we speak chemically). Like all quartzes, carnelian is a very tough stone – it ranks at 7.5 on the Moh’s Scale of Mineral Hardness, which is why you cannot break carnelian even with a steel knife. It makes Carnelian pendants, and Carnelian rings a preferred durable choice to wear regularly.

This stone comes in a wide range of hues, depending on the location from where carnelian is mined – carnelian can be found in colors such as orange-red, orange, brownish-red, and yellowish-orange. After the carnelian stones are polished, they show a beautiful glassy to waxy luster, and if you want to view the translucency of this beautiful stone, consider purchasing it in a prong or channel setting – in these settings, light can pass from the sides of the stone. But, there are exceptions – some carnelian stones are also opaque in nature, which is why you need to clarify from the jeweler regarding which carnelian – translucent or opaque - he is setting in your carnelian jewelry.

As far as the name “carnelian” is concerned, this name has been derived from a medieval Latin word “Corneolus”, which can be roughly translated to the texture resembling a horn. Perhaps because the texture and look of freshly mined carnelian stone resembles a horn, this stone is named so. As spoken above, the mines of carnelian are located in various parts of the world, however, one of the biggest mines of carnelian are located in the Gujrat state of India. Some of the other mines of Carnelian are located in Brazil, China, Australia, Serbia, Russia, Germany, and parts of the US and Western Europe.

Healing Properties of Carnelian Stone

Carnelian stone is loaded with numerous healing properties. If you talk on a physical level, the carnelian stone speeds up the metabolism by stimulating it and this stone also increases the overall energy levels of the individual. This is why if you seek to burn your excess calories, regulate your calorie intake, and work on your weight loss efforts, you must wear carnelian bracelets or any other carnelian jewelry. Combining Carnelian with Blue Lace agate bracelets enhances your psychic abilities, including intuition, foresight, and clairvoyance. Carnelian is also a great aid in relieving cramps and reducing discomfort that is caused because of menstruation. As a stone that is used during childbirth so as to reduce the pain that occurs during labor, you must gift carnelian bracelets or carnelian anklets to pregnant women who are about to get blessed with a newborn baby.

The healing energies of carnelian can also be used to relieve pain – if you have any sprain or any swelling, meditate on the energies of carnelian while holding the stone in your palm while imagining mystical orange light being channeled from the stone to the swollen area. Wear Carnelian with K2 Jasper bracelets to sharpen your mind and improve critical thinking skills. Other than reducing swelling, carnelian also aids in improving the sexual wellness of the individual. Meditating on your sacral chakra while wearing a carnelian bracelet can unblock this chakra. Because of this, you will experience a higher sex drive and if you are looking for easy conception, then also meditation sessions with a carnelian bracelet will be helpful. Stack your Carnelian with Moonstone bracelets to prevent negative energy fro harming you and increase fertility. 

Purchase Sagacia’s Carnelian Bracelets Handcrafted in Pure 925 Sterling Silver

Now that you know everything about Carnelian as a gemstone, and you know the healing properties of Carnelian, it's time for you to pick from the various choices of Carnelian bracelets available at Sagacia Jewelry. Handcrafted in pure 925 sterling silver, Sagacia offers beautiful carnelian bracelets that will enable you to make a bold statement and grab all the attention of your audience. These bracelets, which feature genuine carnelian gemstones, are one-of-a-kind because they are handmade.

Apart from carnelian bracelets, you can purchase other silver gemstone bracelets from Sagacia jewelry, if you want to explore all your options. For instance, Sagacia sells bracelets in gemstones like blue agate, black rutile, Herkimer diamond, amethyst lace agate, and many more. Add the bracelets you like to your cart, and get Sagacia’s fashionable sterling silver gemstone jewelry delivered straight to your doorstep.