The Story of Variscite Jewelry: An Unfamiliar Jewel by Sagacia Jewelry
Variscite gemstone is one of the most unfamiliar and hidden gemstones in the world. It is an extremely rare, green gemstone with brown, black, and white patterns. The variscite stone is a little bit fragile, which is why it is used more for creating décor and carvings. Most of the Variscite Jewelry that is sold in the market possesses variscite stones in doublet and triplet form, because of this stone’s fragility. And if you are looking to buy sterling silver gemstone jewelry of variscite, you will rarely find it in mainstream jewelry stores or jewelry chain stores. Rather, you will find variscite jewelry in trade shows, jewelry exhibitions, or E-commerce stores that deal in rare gemstone jewelry.
As a jewelry enthusiast who wishes to buy variscite jewelry, we encourage you to read the complete description of what variscite is and the healing properties of variscite stone. This will transform you from a simple unaware buyer to an informed buyer who knows what he is purchasing. Let's begin with what variscite is, post which we will discuss the healing properties of variscite gemstone.
What Is Variscite Stone?
Having the chemical formula of AlPO4.2H2O, variscite is a kind of rare hydrated aluminum phosphate. This stone generally occurs in the color green, the greens ranging from bluish-green to yellowish green. In nature, variscite occurs in the form of veins, nodules, cryptocrystalline masses, and cavity fillings. This semi-precious stone also goes by the monikers - Utahlite, Amatrice (Amatrix), Bolivarite, and Peganite. On the Moh’s Scale of Mineral Hardness, variscite ranks between 3.5 and 4.5, which is why this soft stone is used as doublets and triplets when sold in the form of jewelry.
If you compare variscite with turquoise, you might find it similar to turquoise. But don’t confuse variscite with turquoise – both are different stones. Although both stones have similar composition, turquoise has copper inside it, which is why it looks more bluer, and, turquoise is more harder and more abundantly available than variscite.
Variscite is a very rare stone. Its deposits are found in various parts of the world, however, these deposits are very modest. In the United States, variscite is found in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. Other than the US, minuscule deposits of this stone are located in Australia, Brazil, Poland, and Spain. The highest grade of variscite is produced by Utah, and this variscite quality is known as Utahite.
Now, here comes the interesting part: as discussed earlier, variscite is a rare stone, and you will rarely find variscite jewelry in jewelry stores. Because the jewelry-buying public is unfamiliar with variscite jewelry, the demand for this stone is quite low – only a handful of merchants and E-commerce stores sell this gemstone jewelry. And because the demand for this stone is quite low, the prices of this gemstone jewelry are surprisingly low. As a stone that is so rare, you expect the seller to price it higher, but because variscite gemstone is not so well known, and because it has limited demand, variscite jewelry is quite reasonable and affordable.
Healing Properties and Benefits of Variscite Gemstone
Variscite offers a wide range of healing properties and benefits to its users. When it comes to physical healing, variscite repairs the cells and tissues of different organs in the body, by increasing blood circulation to these organs. This stone also strengthens the skeletal system and increases the platelet count by boosting the functions of the bone marrow. Last but not least, wearing variscite jewelry is great for neutralizing acidity, and it also benefits the muscles, the nervous system, and the kidneys.
Coming to the benefits of this stone, variscite brings the user material abundance and it promotes prosperity. It is a great stone for manifesting success. It does so by attracting the right people towards you who will form meaningful relationships with you and help you on your journey from good to great. The spiritual community claims that variscite can manifest financial stability and independence in anyone’s life who meditates on its vibrations. This stone is also great for those who have an interest in fine arts as it increases the creativity of that individual and allows him to channel thoughts from his inspirations.
Sagacia’s Beautiful Variscite Jewelry in Pure 925 Sterling Silver
We know that after reading so much about the beautiful variscite stone, you would be interested in purchasing variscite jewelry. The variscite jewelry that you will find at most merchants will have the cabochon stones because as a gemstone, variscite is not fit for faceted cuts. Also, because there is a lack of cleavage in this stone, it makes durable cabochons. In case you wish to purchase variscite jewelry, we are happy to inform you that we sell pure 925 sterling silver jewelry with variscite stones set in it. We have beautiful jewelry pieces of variscite jewelry, such as variscite pendants, variscite rings, and variscite bracelets that make a bold and striking statement.
Other than variscite, we also deal in sterling silver jewelry of other gemstones, such as turquoise jewelry, blue agate jewelry, amber jewelry, azurite malachite jewelry, blue tiger eye jewelry, and cobalt calcite jewelry. You will find a wide range of dainty jewelry as well as statement jewelry at Sagacia’s portal, so browse our portal and order the jewelry that pleases you the most.