Zodiac Signs: Learn The Names, Symbols, And More About Your Zodiac Signs!


Humans have been fascinated with the stars and constellations since the time we were hunter-gatherers. On the one hand, the study of planets, stars, and constellations has resulted in the development of the science of astronomy, while on the other hand, the science of predicting the future and knowing the present according to constellations and planets in space has resulted in the development of astrology. The field of astrology touches many religious, metaphysical, and spiritual concepts, and this domain in and of itself is very large. One small topic in the domain of astrology is zodiac signs. In this blog, we will discuss what are zodiac signs, what are the different zodiac signs, and what are the gemstone jewelry associated with each zodiac sign. Let's begin with the first question: what does the zodiac sign mean?

What Does The Zodiac Sign Mean?

If you go by the dictionary definition, then the zodiac is a belt-shaped region in the sky. This belt-shaped region extends approximately 8 degrees north and 8 degrees south of the ecliptic. What is ecliptic? Well, in simple words, it is the apparent path of the sun across the cosmos throughout the course of the year. All the major planets in the solar system and the moon are within this belt of the zodiac.

According to Western astrology, the belt of the zodiac is divided into twelve signs, which are Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Pisces. Each sign corresponds to an astronomical constellation and it roughly occupies 30 degrees of celestial longitude. So, when were zodiac signs first discovered? Well, in the first millennium BCE, the Babylonians started exploring astronomy through which they divided the ecliptic into the twelve signs of the zodiac. According to the Babylonian astronomers, twelve equal signs created the ecliptic.

Zodiac Qualities

Each sign in the zodiac is related to one of the following three modalities: cardinal, fixed, or mutable. The mode (or modality) of a sign means the position in the season in which it is found. Since each modality corresponds to four signs, it is also known as Quadruplicity. Below are the three modalities:

  1. Cardinal Signs – Cardinal Signs have cardinal modality. The Cardinal signs are pioneers and leaders of the zodiac. They are Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, and Libra.

  2. Fixed Signs – Fixed signs have fixed modality. The fixed signs are the stabilizers of the zodiac. The fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Tauras, and Aquarius.

  3. Mutable Signs - Mutable signs are editors of the zodiac. They are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, and Gemini.

Apart from modality, the zodiac signs are also split according to the framework of duality. There are six signs that are feminine, and there are six signs that are masculine. The earth and water signs, earth signs being Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, and water signs being Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, are feminine signs. On the other hand, the masculine signs, are the air signs (air signs being Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini) and fire signs (fire signs being Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius). The feminine signs are known for their passive nature, deep intuition, and introverted energies. Whereas, the masculine signs are known for their active nature, gut instinct, and extroverted energies.

The Aries Zodiac Sign (21 March – 20 April)

Aries is considered the first sign in the entire zodiac. It is a cardinal sign that is masculine. As a fire sign, the Aries zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Mars and it is associated with the first house of astrology, which is the house of self. People born under the zodiac signs of Aries are thought leaders and pioneers. Although an Aries individual is the first in line to get things going, he prefers to initiate things rather than complete them. And Aries individuals are very competitive in their nature. Generally, you will find most people born under the zodiac of Aries to be enthusiastic, intelligent, impulsive, and competitive. As multitaskers, these people work very hard with extreme dedication in order to bring their goals into reality. The symbol of Aries is the head of a ram.

Fun Facts About Aries:

  • Element of Aries zodiac sign - Fire

  • The planet which rules the Aries sun sign - Mars

  • Nature of Aries - Positive

  • Most Love compatible with - Sagittarius

  • House which rules Aries sign - First

  • Quality of Aries zodiac sign - Cardinal

  • Mantra: I Am

  • Body Part: The Head

  • Tarot Card: The Emperor

  • Lucky Colour - Red

Gemstones Related to Aries Zodiac Sign: Bloodstone & Diamond

The two gemstones related to the Aries Zodiac Sign are diamond and bloodstone. Wearing bloodstone jewelry or diamond jewelry will enable you to be full of energy and vigor at all times. The Aries jewelry also makes you confident, courageous, and a quick-witted individual. Bloodstones and diamonds are associated with the Aries Zodiac Sign because wearing zodiac jewelry of both stones carries strong masculine energies. If you are thinking about which gemstone jewelry you should opt for, go for diamond jewelry as it provides endless motivation to pursue your goals and persevere even in the tough phases of life. Also, diamond gemstone jewelry attracts abundance and wealth for the Aries zodiac sign.

The Taurus Zodiac Sign (20 April – May 21)

The Taurus zodiac sign is symbolized by a bull. Why? Well, because Taurus originated from the Greek word “Taupoc”, and in Latin, Taurus means “bull”. Taureans have the energy of a bull, and they tend to enjoy the rewards for their labor. Because the Taurus zodiac sign is ruled by the element of earth, people born under this zodiac are extremely grounded individuals. They never shy away from putting in the work required to get the future fruits of their hard labor. Taureans are also great at accomplishing their goals and enjoying the results of the work they put in. Another important thing about Taureans is, that they seek excess of material stuff and physical pleasures because of which they are all about the rewards of their work.

Fun Facts About Taurus:

  • Ruling planet for Taurus sun sign - Venus

  • Element of Taurus zodiac sign - Earth

  • House which rules Taurus sign - Second

  • Quality of Taurus zodiac sign - Fixed

  • Nature of Taurus - Negative

  • Most Love compatible with - Virgo and Cancer

  • Mantra: I Have

  • Body Part: The Throat

  • Tarot Card: The Hierophant

  • Lucky Colour - Pink

Gemstone Related To Taurus Zodiac Sign: Sapphire

The planet Venus rules the zodiac of Taurus. Because of this, Taureans have a deep love for luxury, and they tend to purchase aesthetically pleasing stuff. This is why buying sapphire jewelry is great for Taureans – because sapphire is a gemstone that symbolizes purity, honesty, and trust. The sapphire gemstone enables Taureans to become more dependable, diligent, and persistent. It is also said that the Tauras jewelry, or sapphire jewelry, protects the wearer from envy and greed.

The Gemini Zodiac Sign (21 May – 21 June)

The third sign within the zodiac is the Gemini Zodiac Sign. Gemini symbolizes vigor, energy, excitement, and duality. The word Gemini has been derived from the Latin word “Gemini”. The symbol for the Gemini Zodiac Sign is the Roman numeral for two, and it is represented by twins (two people). Out of the four natural elements, Gemini is associated with air. Some of the traits that signify Gemini are interesting, curious, and quick-witted. They love studying, and they are always looking out for the latest information. They are the center of attention at parties, and they are great at making stable connections. The third house is linked to the Gemini sign. Because the planet Mercury rules Gemini, these individuals tend to be lively and curious and they fully express their hearts.

Fun Facts About Gemini:

  • The Ruling Planet for the Gemini zodiac sign - Mercury

  • Element of Gemini zodiac sign - Air

  • House which rules Gemini sign - Third

  • Nature of Gemini - Positive

  • Most Love compatible with - Aries and Leo

  • Lucky Colour - Yellow

  • Quality of Gemini zodiac sign - Mutable

  • Mantra: I Think

  • Tarot Card: The Lovers

  • Body Part: Arms, Hands, & Lungs

Gemstone Related To Gemini Zodiac Sign: Agate

Because people born under the Gemini zodiac sign are extremely active mentally, at times, they end up becoming anxious and hyperactive. This is why they need to wear zodiac jewelry which supplies them with grounding and calms them down. Agates are excellent at this job. As a Gemini, you have a wide variety of options in agate jewelry, like purple agate jewelry, amethyst lace agate jewelry, blue lace agate jewelry, Botswana agate jewelry, crazy lace agate jewelry, moss agate jewelry, scenic agate jewelry, etc. Wearing agate jewelry will not only calm you down and ground you, but it will also enhance your courage and vitality while protecting you from stress and energy drain.

The Cancer Zodiac Sign (21 June – 23 July)

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and it is symbolized by two 6’s (or 9’s) turned sideways. Why is this symbol chosen for Cancer? Well, because this symbol represents the claws of a crab. The symbol of cancer represents womanhood, motherhood, and feminine nature. Even the word “cancer” in Latin means crab. The Cancer Zodiac Sign is associated with the water element. People who are born under the cancer zodiac sign are called Cancerians. Cancerians are the patriarchs and matriarchs in astrology. This is why they love their family dearly. They are driven by their feelings and they are extremely intuitive in nature.

Fun Facts About Cancer:

  • The planet which rules the Cancer sun sign - Moon

  • Nature of Cancer - Negative

  • House which rules Cancer sign - Fourth

  • Element of Cancer zodiac sign - Water

  • Most Love compatible with - Taurus and Pisces

  • Quality of Cancer zodiac sign - Cardinal

  • Lucky Colour - Violet

  • Body Part: The Stomach, Brain, & Breasts

  • Mantra: I Feel

  • Tarot Card: The Chariot

Gemstone Related to Cancer Zodiac Sign: Emerald

Many of the Cancerians are intuitive and they are natural empaths who are good at reading the energies of people. On one hand, they are more reserved, while on the other, their imagination power is off the charts. This is why emerald jewelry is the best zodiac jewelry for Cancerians. A person wearing emerald jewelry benefits from the energies of the gemstone – he becomes creative and artistic. If you do not like emeralds, you can wear uvarovite jewelry as well – both of these stones carry the divine vibrations of planet Mercury that turn the wearer of this gemstone jewelry into a charming and quick-witted person. Another important thing that needs to be mentioned is, astrologically, both uvarovite jewelry as well as emerald jewelry allow Cancerians to let go of attachments and appreciate the journey that life offers.

The Leo Zodiac Sign (23 July – 23 August)

Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac, whose depiction is a simplistic lion face. Sometimes, Leo is also symbolized by a lion emoji (🦁), which depicts a lion's face. The sign of Leo is seen to show boldness, courage, and leadership. Leo is derived from a Latin word which means lion. This particular zodiac sign is connected to Greek mythology which had mentions of the Nemean lion, who was extremely ferocious and vicious. Out of the four basic elements, the Leo zodiac sign is connected to the fire element. All people born under the zodiac of Leo are full of adventure, zeal, tenacity, and confidence. They are thought leaders who inspire people to take action in a particular direction. And Leos are wise as well – they lead people generously, in a kind manner. As people who are great at making the first impression, Leos are very magnetic.


Fun Facts About Leo:

  • Ruling Planet for Leo Zodiac sign - Sun

  • Element of Leo zodiac sign - Fire

  • House which rules Leo sign - Fifth

  • Nature of Leo - Positive

  • Quality of Leo zodiac sign - Fixed

  • Most Love compatible with - Libra

  • Mantra: I Will

  • Tarot Card: Strength

  • Body Part: The Heart

  • Lucky Colour - Gold

Gemstone Related To Leo Zodiac Sign: Onyx

Leos, who are full of zeal and vivacious in nature, are represented by the king of the jungle – the lion. Because all Leos are bold, vivacious, and courageous, all types of onyx jewelry suit them. So, as a Leo, if you are looking for Leo jewelry, then you can try out black onyx jewelry or green onyx jewelry. Onyx gemstone jewelry, especially green onyx jewelry symbolizes unconditional love, generosity, and faithfulness. So, if you are looking for zodiac jewelry, opt for onyx jewelry, and be assured that wearing this gemstone jewelry will attract material abundance and wealth into your life.

The Virgo Zodiac Sign (23 August – 23 September)

The Virgo zodiac sign is the fourth sign within the zodiac. Virgo is commonly known as The Maiden, in fact, Virgo is the Latin word for “maiden”. The symbol of this zodiac sign is depicted as the letter M with a curl. Out of the four basic elements, Virgo is associated with the earth element, which signifies the connection of Virgo's zodiac sign with the material world. Generally, people born under the Virgo zodiac sign are perfectionists, while also being gentle, compassionate, and diligent. They apply sincere efforts when they are handling their work life. And they never mind putting in consistent efforts to improve their skills. Because these people are very curious, they desire to know everything and anything.

Fun Facts About Virgo:

  • The planet which rules the Virgo sun sign - Mercury

  • Element of Virgo zodiac sign - Earth

  • House which rules Virgo sign - Sixth

  • Nature of Virgo - Negative

  • Most Love compatible with - Cancer

  • Quality of Virgo zodiac sign - Mutable

  • Mantra: I Analyse

  • Lucky Colour - Silver

  • Tarot Card: The Hermit

  • Body Part: The Digestive System

Gemstone Related to Virgo Zodiac Sign: Carnelian

Because Virgos are perfectionists, while also being diligent and practical, they plan everything down to the last detail. This is why carnelian jewelry is the best Virgo jewelry – carnelian jewelry calms Virgos down, and they start becoming more balanced. Also, carnelian jewelry decreases anxiousness and worry that Virgos are naturally prone to, by allowing them to get rid of unproductive thoughts. The Virgo jewelry (that is, carnelian jewelry) also makes the wearer become more analytical and practical. So, as a Virgo, you should definitely check out Carnelian zodiac jewelry.

The Libra Zodiac Sign (23 September – 23 October)

The seventh sign in the zodiac is the Libra zodiac sign. Libra is symbolized by a set of scales that are related to the Roman god Lustitia. And the sign was inspired by Themis’ scales of Justice. The Libra zodiac sign symbolizes love, harmony, and fairness. Libra is a Latin word that can be roughly translated to “balance”. Out of the four basic elements, Libra is associated with the air element. Someone born under the Libra zodiac sign is called a Libran. Librans are great businessmen and businesswomen because they possess the two most important traits for running a business – fairness and partnership. In romance, these people tend to be romantic idealists. They are also wise, selfless, and kind. One special thing about the Libra sign is, that it is the only sign whose symbol is an inanimate object, which is the Scales.

Fun Facts About Libra:

  • The planet which rules the Libra sun sign - Venus

  • Element of Libra zodiac sign - Air

  • House which rules Libra sign - Seventh

  • Nature of Libra - Positive

  • Most Love compatible with - Gemini

  • Quality of Libra zodiac sign - Cardinal

  • Gem for fortune - Sapphire

  • Mantra: I Relate

  • Lucky Colour - Blue

  • Tarot Card: Justice

  • Body Part: Lower Back & Kidneys

Gemstone Related to Libra Zodiac Sign: Peridot

The people who are born under the Libra Zodiac sign are naturally artistic and they have refined taste when it comes to selecting people, places, and things. They have keen eyes – they love symmetry, which is why they gravitate towards beautiful designs. And this is why peridot jewelry is the best zodiac jewelry for Librans. Peridot jewelry (which is the best Libra jewelry out there) helps Librans in generating artistic ideas and it also makes them influential because of their idealistic perspectives. Peridot gemstone jewelry also allows Librans to celebrate their individuality and work with their inventive minds.

The Scorpio Zodiac Sign (23 October – 22 November)

The Scorpio zodiac sign is the eighth zodiac sign, which is also known as Scorpius because it is the Latin word for scorpion. It is symbolized by the capital letter M with a pointed tail that appears like a scorpion’s venomous tail. Also, in Greek mythology, there is a story of Orion who got stung by a giant scorpion, and this story is the root from which “Scorpio” stemmed. The Scorpio zodiac sign is a sign of power, control, secrets, and intimacy. Among the four basic elements, Scorpio is ruled by the water element. The people who are born under this zodiac sign are called Scorpio or Scorpion.

Individuals of this zodiac sign desire serious commitments and they prefer traditional relationships. At their workplace, these individuals possess a competitive spirit, and they are the ones who can do practically anything to stay on top of their game. Although these people have a harsher nature, they are emotional at their core and this adds an air of mystery to them. The ruling planet of the Scorpio zodiac sign is Pluto, which signifies receiving directions from the cosmic consciousness that lies beyond the material realm.

Fun Facts About Scorpio:

  • The planet which rules the Scorpio sun sign - Pluto and Mars

  • Nature of Scorpio - Negative

  • Element of Scorpio zodiac sign - Water

  • House which rules Scorpio sign - Eighth

  • Most Love compatible with - Cancer

  • Quality of Scorpio zodiac sign - Fixed

  • Tarot Card: Death

  • Lucky Colour - Black

  • Mantra: I Transform

  • Body Part: The Genitals & The Bowels

Gemstone Related to Scorpio Zodiac Sign: Beryls (like Emerald and Aquamarine)

People who are born under the Scorpio zodiac sign have high intuition and they are really good at reading the energies of the room. This is why beryl jewelry suits these people the best – such as emerald jewelry or aquamarine jewelry. What’s special about beryl zodiac jewelry is it helps the intuitive Scorpios to be more confident as well as enthusiastic. Talking about aquamarine jewelry specifically, this zodiac jewelry soothes intense emotions and also neutralizes negative vibrations, bringing serenity to the life of Scorpions.

The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign (23 November – 22 December)

The ninth sign of the zodiac is Sagittarius. The symbol of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is an arrow with a straight line through it, which represents an arrow and a bow. This sign is inspired by Chiron, who symbolizes this zodiac sign. Chiron was a centaur, a mythical creature who was half human and half horse. He was the child of a Titan and a Nymph. Also, in Lattin, the word “Sagitta” means an arrow. People born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign are called Sagittarians and they tend to be adventurous, independent, wise, and outspoken. A key trait within all the people who have Sagittarius zodiac sign is compassion, because of which they are extremely kind and gentle. They are ready to offer emotional support to the people who are in need of their support. Their determination and dedication are such that they always achieve what they set out for, just like a skilled archer hits his targets.

Fun Facts About Sagittarius:

  • The planet which rules the Sagittarius sun sign - Jupiter

  • Element of Sagittarius zodiac sign - Fire

  • House which rules Sagittarius sign - Ninth

  • Nature of Sagittarius - Positive

  • Quality of Sagittarius zodiac sign - Mutable

  • Lucky Colour - Light Blue

  • Highly compatible in Loving - People Born Under the Aries Zodiac Sign

  • Mantra: I See

  • Tarot Card: Temperance

  • Body Part: Hips, Thighs, & Liver

Gemstone Related to Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: Topaz

The perfect Sagittarius jewelry is Topaz gemstone jewelry. Mainly, blue topaz jewelry, London blue topaz jewelry, and Swiss blue topaz jewelry can be worn by Sagittarians. Wearing this Zodiac jewelry will enable Sagittarians to be more peaceful and it will allow them to prosper in their love life. Topaz jewelry also enables Sagittarians to maintain optimism and enjoy life. Why is Topaz the Zodiac Stone for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign? Well, because topaz is associated with Jupiter, and Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarians. Blue Topaz and London Blue Topaz are used a lot by Sagittarians to gain good fortune and success in academics.

The Capricorn Zodiac Sign (22 December – 20 January)

The tenth zodiac sign is the Capricorn Zodiac Sign. The word “Capricorn” has been derived from the Latin word “Capricornus” which roughly translates to “horned like a goat”. Enki, which is the Sumerian deity of waters and knowledge, is associated with the Capricorn zodiac sign. If you refer to mythology, you will find that Enki had an upper body which resembled a goat and it had a lower body which resembled a fish. This is why Capricorn is symbolized by the sea goat, which is the mythical creature Enki.

People born under the Capricorn zodiac sign are ambitious, and they love creating structures. Out of the four basic elements, Capricorns are associated with the earth element. Saturn (the ruling planet of this zodiac) teaches Capricorns the tough lessons and it also exposes them to difficulties to make them into a stronger individual. Generally, most people born under the Capricorn zodiac sign are intelligent, ambitious, and hardworking. Their hardworking nature is often accompanied by stubbornness. Another interesting trait that most Capricorns have is their love for rules and regulations because of which they do everything according to the rule book.

Fun Facts About Capricorns:

  • Ruling Planet of Capricorn Zodiac sign - Saturn

  • Nature of Capricorn - Negative

  • Element of Capricorn zodiac sign - Earth

  • House which rules Capricorn sign - Tenth

  • Highly compatible in Loving - People born under the Zodiac of Virgo

  • Quality of Capricorn zodiac sign  - Cardinal

  • Mantra: I Use

  • Lucky Colour- Dark blue

  • Tarot Card: The Devil

  • Body Part: The Knees

Gemstone Related to Capricorn Zodiac Sign: Ruby

Because all Capricorns are disciplined and ambitious individuals, they benefit the most from ruby. This stone tends to increase their confidence levels, brings forth a sense of joy, and makes them bold and courageous. Ruby zodiac jewelry also balances their negative aspects, like them being too independent which shackles their creativity. Capricorn jewelry also helps people born under this zodiac sign to gain endless energy because of which they don’t face any burnout. Last but not least, ruby jewelry attracts abundance in the lives of people born under Capricorn.

The Aquarius Zodiac Sign (20 January – 19 February)

The eleventh sign of the zodiac is the Aquarius zodiac sign. In Latin, the word “Aquarius” is derived from aqua which means water. The symbol of the Aquarius zodiac sign is the water bearer, and it is represented by squiggly lines that indicate water. Although the word “Aquarius” has aqua in its name, Aquarius is an air sign and not a water sign. Aquarius is the sign of technology, social fairness, and teamwork. People born under the Aquarius star sign are innovators at their very core. They tend to do things their own way, and they get along with people very well. Because they possess a rebellious spirit, they value independence, and they end up becoming revolutionary thinkers. However, at times, their rebellious spirit also makes them appear as someone eccentric, and too aloof. One great trait that many Aquarius have is that they are humanitarian and philanthropic.

Fun Facts About Aquarius:

  • The planet which rules the Aquarius sun sign - Uranus

  • Element of Aquarius zodiac sign - Air

  • House which rules Aquarius sign - Eleventh

  • Nature of Aquarius - Positive

  • Quality of Aquarius zodiac sign - Fixed

  • Lucky Colour- Sky Blue

  • Most Love compatible with - Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

  • Tarot Card: The Star

  • Mantra: I Know

  • Body Part: The Shins

Gemstone Related to Aquarius Zodiac Sign: Garnet

Aquarians are free-spirited thought leaders who deeply philosophize a lot. Wearing garnet jewelry helps Aquarians reconnect with their sensuality and makes them full of vigor and vitality. Garnet zodiac jewelry also enables Aquarians to stabilize their feelings and relationships. It is said that Aquarius jewelry stabilizes both feelings and relationships. Garnet jewelry also helps those who are highly intellectual and inventive.

The Pisces Zodiac Sign (19 February – 21 March)

The last sign that we will discuss now is the Pisces zodiac sign. This zodiac sign is symbolized by two fishes swimming together in opposite directions which are tied together with a rope. Pisces is the Latin word for fish. This word was inspired by the Greek figure Ichthyocentaurs, who supported Aphrodite, the priestess of beauty. Among the four basic elements, Pisces is associated with the water element. Pisces is the sign of karma, arts, and imagination. The Pisces zodiac sign represents ultra-sensitive people who are driven by their feelings and tap into their psychic side. These people have strong gut instincts and they have great judgment because they feel deeply as empaths.

Fun Facts About Pisces:

  • The planet which rules the Pisces sun sign - Neptune

  • Element of Pisces zodiac sign - Water

  • House which rules Pisces sign - Twelfth

  • Nature of Pisces - Negative

  • Quality of Pisces zodiac sign - Mutable

  • Lucky Colour - Sea Green

  • Highly Compatible in Loving – People born under the Virgo Zodiac Sign

  • Mantra: I Believe

  • Tarot Card: The Moon

  • Body Part: The Feet, Lymphatics, Liver

Gemstone Related to Pisces Zodiac Sign: Amethyst

People born under the zodiac of Pisces show sensitivity to energies because they are natural empaths. This is why they are greatly benefited from amethyst jewelry. The amethyst zodiac jewelry helps Pisceans to repel negative vibrations. Also, the Pisces jewelry (or amethyst jewelry) calms down the brain and relaxes the nervous system by filling the body with tranquil vibrations. Lastly, because the amethyst gemstone is excellent for meditation, Pisceans naturally gravitate to amethyst.


You are now aware of all twelve zodiac signs, along with the gemstone that is fit for each zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign tells a lot about the personality of the individual who is born under it, and it also reveals the taste of the person. This information can act as great ice breakers in parties, and even in dating apps (say, when you are chatting with someone on Tinder). Knowing your zodiac sign can also make you more aware – whether you are a fiery Leo or trailblazing Scorpio, you can google your zodiac sign and learn your strengths and weaknesses so as to become a better person.

As a disclaimer, we would like to tell you that you should always consider an astrologer, or a tarot card reader if you want to gain insights into the future through your zodiac sign. Most of the future predictions that are written in newspapers and magazines are too generic and although they are different for each zodiac sign, still, they are sort of inaccurate. One reason for this inaccuracy is that these predictions are not based on your date of birth. We hope that you liked this extensive article on zodiac signs and zodiac jewelry.