Super Seven History, Meaning, Healing Properties, and Benefits

Just imagine you have the chance to harness the combined healing powers of seven different crystals at once. Yes, we know it would be impossible to believe that but in modern times because of the seven super gemstone, you can bring out the healing benefits of all the seven crystals together. We also know that it is a surprising gemstone jewelry for so many jewelry enthusiasts as well as gem collectors. So, to know more about what a super seven gemstone is and how you can draw out the benefits from it, let's continue this journey of information where you can understand in detail its meaning, history, healing properties & benefits.


Super Seven Gemstone: Meaning & Its History

Super Seven, whether you remember it as a melody stone or a sacred stone, it always remains a surprising gemstone for so many individuals. The rare combination of seven minerals, including Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Clear Quartz, Rutile, and Smoky Quartz, with some possible inclusions of Hematite, all naturally combined in one crystal. In this unique combination of super seven jewelry, crystals also help each other to magnify their powers & energies to provide the wearer with most of it. Additionally, this fusion is also known for its ability to cleanse the crown chakra while aligning all the chakras.


History is a very important aspect of knowing how this astonishing crystal was found and where, it is mostly believed that its discovery happened in the late 20th century in the remote mountains of Espirito Santo, Brazil. At that time too, the unique composition and metaphysical properties quickly gained attention among crystal enthusiasts and spiritual healers. Physical properties are another interesting aspect of Super Seven gemstones. This crystal exhibits a beautiful blend of colors that varies from deep purples and vibrant yellows to earthy browns and translucent whites, all enclosed within the clarity of quartz.


Healing Properties of Super Seven Stone

Healing with Super Seven is somewhat different from other gemstones because it possesses the healing powers of seven different minerals. One of the primary healing benefits that is associated with this captivating crystal is its purported ability to harmonize and balance the body’s energy centers, commonly known as chakras. This harmonizing effect is believed to promote overall vitality, emotional stability and a sense of inner equilibrium.


Let's Uncover In Detail The Mineral Healing of Each Gemstone:

Amethyst: The most important mineral of the super seven is amethyst which is famous for its calming and purifying properties; it is an ideal gemstone for stress relief, emotional healing and promoting mental clarity. It is also assumed that if someone wears the Super Seven ring then it helps them in meditation and spiritual practices by fostering a deeper state of awareness and facilitating inner guidance.


Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is another integral component of Super Seven that is cherished for its amplifying and cleansing qualities. It is often used in crystal healing to enhance the effects of other stones and to purify the energetic field. It is also assumed that wearing a super seven pendant magnifies the healing energies while creating a synergistic and potent force for energetic clearing and revitalization.


Rutile: Rutile is another most important mineral in Super Seven as it is thought to lend it a unique energy that supports spiritual growth and illumination. Rutile is mainly connected with the activation of the third eye chakra, which controls intuition and inner wisdom. It is also accepted that wearing a Super Seven Bracelet is often used to stimulate psychic abilities, and encourage a deeper understanding of one's spiritual path.


Smoky Quartz: Smoky quartz, the mineral in Super seven helps to neutralize all the negative vibes with the positive ones by detoxifying the body on all levels. That’s why it is believed that wearing a beautiful pair of Super Seven earrings helps to reduce anxiety and provide emotional calmness.


Cacoxenite: Another powerful mineral that benefits the body, mind, and soul is cacoxenite. It is also believed that it has a strong connection with the divine, which helps the wearer lean more towards spirituality.


Lepidocrocite: In Super Seven, lepidocrocite is accepted to fill the crystal with protective and grounding energies, which makes it an ideal companion for those seeking emotional security. Wearing an enthralling piece of the Super Seven necklace helps to contribute to a sense of stability, vitality, and inner strength.


Goethite: Goethite in Super Seven sterling silver jewelry is believed to offer a range of supportive qualities. Some practitioners believe that this stone can aid in the regeneration of cells and tissues, making it beneficial for overall vitality and physical well-being.


Benefits & Cleansing of Super Seven Gem

After learning about the healing properties of Super Seven, it's time to learn about its benefits. In Feng Shui, it is believed that each person has a personal Gua number based on their birth year. This Gua number corresponds to specific directions that are considered auspicious for that individual. Wearing a gemstone ring made of Super Seven crystal is said to help align its energies with your favorable directions, thereby customizing the benefits of Feng Shui to suit your personal rhythm.


Feng Shui involves not only the strategic placement of items but also creating and maintaining a harmonious and energetically clean environment. Super Seven crystals, consisting of seven different minerals, are believed to possess powerful cleansing properties. By regularly cleansing and charging your Super Seven gemstone bracelet or gemstone pendant, you can ensure that it remains potent and continues to bring vibrant and positive energy to your living spaces.


Final Words

You've come to the right place – Sagacia Jewelry, if you've found your way to this webpage, it's likely you're seeking an online store featuring a captivating collection of super seven jewelry. Undoubtedly, we deal only in high-quality jewelry that resonates with your personal style, all within a budget that's equally enticing. In addition to super seven our online platform is renowned for offering authentic 925 sterling silver jewelry, birthstone jewelry and a diverse range of silver chains that perfectly accentuate our pieces. In addition to super seven jewelry, be sure to explore our other exquisite gemstone collections like Carnelian, Ammolite & Blue Opal that are perfect to match your style.