Everything to Know About January Birthstone Garnet And Its Alternative Birthstone

Hey to all the January babies out there! We know you all are renowned for having a big heart that never hurts anyone for your own sake. You can lighten the mood of the people around you with your amazing sense of humor. But many times, you end up being sad and alone. To make you happier, more peaceful, and more positive in life, we suggest you have your birthstone. Do you know what your birthstone is if you were born in January? If not, you are in the right place to know that your birthstone is Garnet.

Garnet is a modern and traditional birthstone for January borns. However, a primary alternative birthstone for January is Rose Quartz, a lovely gemstone with extraordinary appeal. Both gemstones are unique in their own ways, considering their meaning, properties, healing, and much more. So, without wasting time, let us learn all about January birthstone Garnet.

Introduction to January Birthstone: Garnet

Garnet emanates its name from the Latin term' granatus,' meaning seed-like. It is regarded as seed-like because the small stones of Garnet resemble the seeds of a pomegranate. Also, it is believed that the term Garnet derives from an English word 'gernet,' which means dark red. This lovely January birthstone is considered the 'stone of health' that helps the wearer to encourage self-confidence, friendship, trust, and love. For a long time, it has been regarded as a talisman to ward the wearer from the negative and evil eyes. The remarkable exhibition of Garnet stone makes it an excellent option for jewelry, as its red color beautifully delights the people born in January.

History of January Birthstone Garnet

The history of Garnet comes from a long time. The residues of this gemstone have been located from the Bronze Age. This January birthstone holds great significance among ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Europeans, and Egyptians throughout history. It was regarded as a symbol of fertility and rebirth in ancient times. It has been embellished on the crowns of kings and queens as a symbol of protection from the evil conspiracy of betrayers and rivals. It was also the most preferred gem by aristocrats and the pastorates during the Middle Ages. Garnets were the most traded gemstones during the period of the Roman scholar Pliny(23 to 79 AD). The availability and rage of Garnet stones increased when the foremost deposit of this gem was found in the early 16th century and peaked in the 19th century.

So Much About the January Birthstone: Garnet

You might have questions like where garnet is sourced from, its formation and construction, How hard a Garnet is, what is the color Garnet, and so on. In this informative column, we will discuss the color, formation, configuration, location, hardness, and value of Garnet.

Color:- January birthstone Garnet appears in Crimson-colored gemstone. It means it emerges with a dark, pleasant red shade that leans towards a deep purple hue.

Construction:- Garnet is classified as a Nesosilicate mineral that is constructed in an Isometric crystal system. It is a transparent, opaque gemstone with a vitreous to resinous luster and white streak.

Hardness:- According to the measurement of the Mohs scale of hardness, the Garnet score ranges between 6.5 and 7.5.

Sources:- The most prominent mining locations of Garnet are India, Russia, Brazil, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria, the US, China, and Australia.

Formation:- Garnets are developed in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks under extremely high temperatures.

Value:- The worth of a Garnet totally depends upon its quality. The price per carat Garnet ranges from $500(with some inclusions) to $7000 (clearer with no inclusions).

What Are The Types and Colors of Garnets?

There are more than 20 varieties of Garnets. Here, we are discussing the essential varieties that are preferred around the world. These types of Garnets are renowned for their mesmerizing hues. Let us identify them according to their color. 

  • Almandine: deep red to reddish-brown

  • Rhodolite: purplish-red or light pinkish-red

  • Spessartite: reddish-orange to yellowish-orange

  • Pyrope: purplish-red to red

  • Demantoid: green to light green

  • Emerald Green Tsavorite: yellowish-green to bluish-green

  • Greenish Hydrogrossular: green to colorless

  • Colorless Leuco: colorless to light-colored

  • Hessonite: brownish-red or honey-brown color 

  • Malaia: pinkish-orange to reddish-orange

Restorative Advantages of Wearing Garnets

Are you still confused about whether to have January birthstone Garnet? After going through the therapeutic benefits of wearing Garnets, you will clearly make a decision. Providing stability and positivity to your mental, emotional, spiritual, metaphysical, and physical health is beneficial. Let us understand the healing benefits of wearing Garnets. 

  • Physical Benefits:-

The red color of Garnet helps blood circulation more efficiently. It also strengthens your overall health by boosting your energy, vitality, and immune, respiratory, and digestive systems. It also neutralizes the consequences of radiation and balances degenerative illnesses.

  • Mental Benefits:-

Garnet is the stone of commitment that assures you to keep your mental state balanced. It also terminates negative ideas, perceptions, and toxins from your mind. When worn with good intentions, it helps deepen the concentration while meditation. It makes your memory strong.

  • Spiritual Benefits:-

Garnet is a gemstone that is used in different spiritual practices. It deepens your spiritual attention and takes your mind toward a more elevated domain of spirituality. It also helps you communicate with your guarding angels and connect people to their spiritual pathway.

  • Emotional Benefits:-

Garnet is a lovely gemstone that promotes emotional recovery, balance, and harmony in life. It helps relieve stress, anxiety, and past trauma that triggers you constantly. It encourages self-confidence, creativity, a positive attitude, and passion and promotes a feeling of self-worth.

  • Chakra Benefits:-

According to some studies, it is believed that Garnet resonates with the Root, Sacral, and Crown chakras. When these chakras are aligned, it helps in the enhancement of the power and endurance of the wearer. It clears negativity from chakras and creates a strong connection.

Astrological Benefits of Wearing Garnet

Garnet is a robust January birthstone representing rejuvenation, equilibrium, and significance. Garnet is ruled by the god of war and energy, Mars. The natural elements that are associated with Garnet are fire and earth. The zodiacs that can wear Garnets are Aquarius and Capricorn. Other signs that can wear Garnet are Virgo, Leo, Taurus, and Aries. The astrologers also advise Garnets to those who have the wrong placement of North Lunar Mode (Rahu) in their horoscope.

The Best Ways to Style Garnet Jewelry

Who is there who doesn't want to look good? We are here to present you with various Garnet jewelry and ways to style them in your own way. 

Garnet Pendant:- Are you searching for something that helps create a statement look when going for a date night? Your search ends with a charming Garnet pendant. You can wear only a pendant with your short black or white dress to spread elegance everywhere.

Garnet Ring:- Rings are the most sought after piece of jewelry that comes first in our minds when it comes to wearing jewelry. Whether going to a friend's party or a family get-together, a beautiful Garnet ring can be your favorite go-to jewelry piece.

Garnet Bracelet:- Bracelets can be worn in different styles, whether for weddings, engagements, prom nights, family functions, religious festivities, and much more. Why not make your prom night memorable when everyone praises you for your attractive Garnet bracelet?

Garnet Earrings:- If you love to carry a minimalistic appearance without over lightening yourself, a pair of cute little Garnet earrings can be your preferred piece of jewelry. It will be a great option if you are carrying a no-makeup look, as these earrings solely enhance your style.

Alternative Birthstones for January Borns

We have already understood everything about the traditional and modern birthstone for January borns, Garnet. Now, we are familiarizing you with other alternative gemstones for January born that can be worn as birthstones. Let us learn about them in detail.

1. Rose Quartz

Regarded as a stone of love and forgiveness, Rose Quartz has been appreciated by the masses for a long time. This light pink stone is a talisman of feminine energy. Its therapeutic effects are believed to sanctify and unlock the heart at all levels, fostering love, self-love, self-worth, companionship, profound internal recovery, and sensations of relaxation. In the ancient period, Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians believed that Rose Quartz had many beauty properties and used them as jewelry and in carvings. Its lovely and mild pink color resonates with the Heart chakra.

2. Emerald

Emerald is considered as the stone of wisdom and love. It is a beautiful green-colored gem that is one of the four precious gemstones. This gorgeous jewel will nourish reassurance via its pacifying vibrancies while also delivering hope and fearlessness to the wearer being a great supporter in the duration of necessity or trouble. The first historical record of Emeralds was dated back to 330 BC. Doctors from India, Arab, and Spain have realized that Emeralds can be used in treating infections such as food poisoning. Many believe this is a cherished gemstone that guards the wearer from evil eyes and spirits.

3. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis is acknowledged to be a stone of truth and wisdom. It is recognized as an emblem of truth, charity, innocence, accordance, and focus. Lapis is a dark blue gemstone with otherworldly possessions that allows the wearer to become aware of their instinctive and psychic knowledge. It also helps discharge unfavorable exuberance and encourages peace and equilibrium. Lapis boost immunity, equalize hormones, and combat disease like a true warrior. It connects you with the cosmos, improves your memory, and makes your goals clear and focused.