Golden Rutile: History, Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits, Facts, and Uses


Have you ever heard of golden rutilated quartz or golden rutile quartz? Well, that is another name for golden rutile – a clear quartz variety that possesses golden needle-like inclusions made of rutile. The colors of these rutile inclusions may not necessarily be golden – at times, you can even find these inclusions to have red, copper, brown, and silver colors. When golden rutile were first discovered by gemologists, they were tossed away as bad quartz varieties – it was later that some jewelers appreciated their one-of-a-kind qualities and distinctive beauty.

When you closely look at any golden rutile jewelry, you find that it’s a very different quartz variety with colorful rutile inclusions that shoot through the transparent interior of quartz. Since all these inclusions are always unique and differ in color, size, and shape, the golden rutile jewelry is always one-of-a-kind. It’s interesting to note that these rutile inclusions are made of either titanium dioxide or oxides of iron. Thus, you can say that rutile is simply the oxide of iron and titanium that is housed in a quartz crystal. In this blog, we will discuss golden rutile in detail, so stay tuned!

Golden Rutile History & Its Mythological Connections

As mentioned above, although most quartzes garnered a lot of attention since ancient times, the golden rutile hasn’t got any special attention since the last century. In the early 1940s, the miners who were looking for clear quartz found golden rutile. These miners did not see any potential in this stone, but as soon as they were shipped to Salvador, the keen-eyed jewelers of Salvador saw how it could become a great stone for making gemstone jewelry.

Many people, especially the ones associated with the New Age Community, saw golden rutile as the “hair of the angels” – these people were awestruck with the beautiful shimmer of golden-colored rutile strands. Some other groups began associating this quartz variety with specific deities. In historical records, you can find that the ancient Greeks called rutile strands “the hair of Venus” or “the hair of Aphrodite,” honoring the goddess of love and beauty.

In the Middle Ages, there was a widespread belief among the Vikings that the golden rutile came from the goddess Freyja, also known as the “lady sovereign.” Who is goddess Freyja? Well, she is one of the central goddesses in Norse mythology, who is similar to Venus (since she, too, is linked with beauty, love, and luxury).

Golden Rutile Meaning, Origins & Symbolisms

The word golden rutile quartz has an interesting origin. The word “golden” indicates the color of inclusions present in quartz, which is mostly golden. The origins of the word “rutile” can be traced back to the Latin word “rutilus,” which means reddish. Here, it’s important to note that rutile inclusions are not always red in color, but since the first rutile mineral ever discovered had a red color, the word rutile was chosen. Lastly, the word “quartz” is derived from the Saxon word querklufterz, which roughly translates to “cross vein ore.”

The clear quartz that makes up golden rutile symbolizes the purification of the mind and a strong connection with benevolent spiritual entities, like spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters. Also, different cultures see clear quartz in a different light – for instance, in Japan, clear quartz symbolizes the breath of the white dragon, the creature who is the epitome of kindness in their culture. Similarly, in ancient Egypt, it was believed that clear quartz acts as a channel to reach the spiritual and ethereal realms. Although rutile (that is present in a golden rutile specimen) does not have a long history, modern spiritual gurus call it “the illuminator,” which heightens awareness levels and fast-tracks spiritual development.

Golden Rutile Facts & Some of Its Unique Specifications

  1. Chemically, golden rutile is silicon dioxide (SiO2) with titanium dioxide inclusions.

  2. On the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness, golden rutile ranks at seven, and thus, you can say that golden rutile jewelry, like golden rutile rings, is pretty sturdy.

  3. The host crystal, which is quartz, is generally colorless, but the inclusions of rutile can range anywhere from red, orange, and golden, to silver and brown.

  4. The crystal structure of golden rutile is trigonal.

  5. This gemstone possesses a glassy luster, which is why golden rutile jewelry, especially golden rutile pendants, can be faceted as well as cast into cabochons.

  6. Golden rutile, in most cases, is transparent.

  7. The refractive index of this stone ranges between 1.54-1.55, while its density is 2.66.

  8. Golden rutile does not exhibit any cleavage.

Golden Rutile Healing Properties and Benefits

Golden rutile has many healing properties and benefits, some of which are as follows:

  1. Golden rutile is said to work on a cellular level. Wearing golden rutile jewelry can help with regenerating the cells of all your internal organs, and its rejuvenating energies heal the DNA of your cells.

  2. This stone benefits the circulatory system. To be specific, wearing golden rutile rings can help your arteries to stay healthy, and it strengthens the veins as well.

  3. One of the prominent uses of golden rutile jewelry is that it can cure diarrhea, constipation, loose motions, and stomach ulcers. Why is this so? Well, because this stone strengthens the digestive system and heals the digestive organs, like the stomach and intestines.

  4. Wearing a golden rutile pendant and other jewelry can help you fight all kinds of addictions, ranging from hard drugs to cigarettes and alcohol. Golden rutile jewelry does so by improving control over oneself and strengthening your resolve.

Golden Rutile Uses & Ways in Which You Can Utilize this Stone

One can use golden rutile in many ways – you can use this stone in Feng Shui practices, reiki healing, energy work, or just sitting in front of the altar and meditating on the energy of this crystal (as you wear golden rutile jewelry). If you are wearing golden rutile jewelry, one thing that you need to always remember is to keep it in direct contact with the skin – this is especially true for golden rutile bracelets. With direct contact, the energy of golden rutile flows right into your body. As you wear this jewelry, it will clear all your emotional blockages, and it will also allow you to dissipate the stagnant energy stored inside your chakras.


We have discussed a lot about golden rutile up until this point – from its history and meaning to its healing properties, benefits, and uses. So, did you like reading this blog? Are you looking to purchase beautiful golden rutile jewelry, like rings, pendants, and bracelets, made in pure 925 sterling silver?

If that is the case, then you should check out Sagacia Jewelry’s entire range of golden rutile jewelry. All of these come under the category of 925 sterling silver jewelry, and other than golden rutile, we sell gemstone jewelry in numerous other natural gemstones. Some of the gemstones that we use to make our bestselling dainty earrings and dainty pendants are amethyst, green amethyst, Swiss blue topaz, and moonstone. Other than dainty jewelry, we sell statement jewelry as well. Explore the website of Sagacia Jewelry and get your favorite pieces delivered to you in no time.