Bumble Bee Jasper: History, Meaning, Healing Properties, Facts, Benefits & Uses

Jasper is one of the stones that is as old as Earth itself. There are quite a few varieties of jasper – you will find jasper in every color that is present in the rainbow – and each variety of jasper is beautiful in its own unique way. Today, we will discuss regarding bumble bee jasper stone – a yellowish-black stone that has been making waves in the world of semi-precious gemstones with its beautiful striking colors and patterns.

We will discuss the history of this stone, its meaning, the healing properties this stone possesses, various facts regarding this stone, and some of its key benefits and uses. So, let us begin our journey into the unknown world of bumble bee jasper, by first understanding what it is.

What is Bumble Bee Jasper?

Also known as Eclipse jasper or orpiment, the bumble bee jasper stone is a unique and vibrant volcanic rock that is primarily composed of manganese oxide, sulfur, orpiment, realgar, and other minerals. The thing that sets bumble bee jasper apart from other jaspers, like imperial jasper or deerfawn jasper is its striking coloration.

When you look at this stone closely, you find that it is composed of vivid oranges and yellows, with black banding. Due to this color and pattern, bumble bee jasper resembles a bumblebee, and hence it is named so. Presently, only one known deposit of this stone exists in the whole world – Mount Papandayan – which is an active volcano present in West Java (Indonesia).

Meaning of Bumble Bee Jasper

Many psychics claim that bumble bee jasper symbolizes the deep transformation that the soul goes through when it's on a spiritual journey. Also, the spiritual community believes that the bright and contrasting colors of bumble bee jasper represent the different stages in which a person walks on the path of spiritual advancement, from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light.

In some cultures, there is a belief that the bumble bee jasper represents clarity and insight into the purpose of one’s life. It is said by these cultures that wearing bumble bee jasper allows the wearer to achieve difficult goals like overcoming hardships, losing the worries that weigh you down, and keeping off unwanted thoughts that make you overanalyze situations and blow things out of proportion.

History of Bumble Bee Jasper Stone

If you look at mankind’s recorded history, you will observe that jasper has been a highly valued gemstone for ages. The name jasper stems from an old French word “jaspe” which has been derived from the Latin word “iaspidem” – both of these words mean speckled stone or spotted stone.

If we talk about bumble bee jasper specifically, then you would be happy to know that it’s a fairly recent discovery – this rock was discovered in 2002 when Mount Papandayan, an active stratovolcano erupted. This volcano is situated in West Java, Indonesia. However, some sources claim that this stone used to be traded by locals even before it was discovered by the researchers.

Interesting Facts & Features About Bumble Bee Jasper

Bumble bee jasper is a very interesting stone. Here are some facts and features about bumble bee jasper gemstones that are worth making a note of:

  1. Color: Bumble bee jasper generally showcases a combination of orange, bright yellow, and black banding, and its colors are similar to that of a bumble bee. Its contrasting coloration and vibrant tones are one of its most distinctive features.

  2. Patterns: This stone shows irregular banding patterns that are very intricate. Varying in intensity and thickness, these bands make the bumble bee jasper stone extremely appealing.

  3. Transparency: Bumble bee jasper is an opaque gemstone. No light passes through this stone. Because of this, the visibility of bold and distinctive color patterns of bumble bee jasper stone is highly enhanced.

  4. Luster: This stone has an attractive luster because it possesses a smooth and glossy surface when cut and polished into cabochons.

  5. Hardness: Because bumble bee jasper ranges between 6.5 and 7 on the Moh’s scale, it is a fairly hard stone and it makes durable and long-lasting jewelry. However, you do need to protect Bumble Bee Jasper jewelry from scratches that can damage the stone.

Healing Properties of Bumble Bee Jasper Gemstone

Bumble bee jasper is a vibrant stone that is great for spiritual healing. It is very good for increasing awareness when kept in close proximity. It also allows you to grow spiritually by enlightening you to the laws of the spiritual world and it also gives you spiritual downloads that come from the divine realms. By strengthening your connection to the divine realms of the universe, this stone lights your path to the kingdom of endless wisdom. This stone also serves as a medium for bringing up the knowledge stored in your deep unconscious to your conscious mind, enabling you to channel creative insights from your past lives.

Benefits of Bumble Bee Jasper

There are many benefits associated with the bumble bee jasper gemstone. For instance, this stone is a great aid if you are dealing with allergies and rashes on the skin. The healing vibrations of this stone also treat hypoglycemia, diabetes, and other issues that are linked to blood sugar. Also, the bumble bee jasper stone increases vitality and vigor, allowing you to have better intimacy with your partner and it also heals infertility in both men and women. Last but not least, this stone improves the circulatory system and enables the arteries and veins to work at maximum efficiency, thus improving your metabolism.

Uses of Bumble Bee Jasper

Bumble Bee Jasper has various applications and it is used in various fields like jewelry, lapidary, and ornamental arts. Below are some of the main uses where bumble bee jasper is used:

  1. Making Beautiful Gemstone Jewelry: Bumble bee jasper is used to make beautiful gemstone jewelry. Generally, it is used to make statement jewelry because the stone’s contrasting colors make it look very eye-catching and attention-grabbing.

  2. Lapidary and Cabochons: Lapidaries or people who cut and polish gems generally create cabochons out of bumble bee jasper stone. These cabochons (or polished unfaceted stones) are either sold as they are, or they are set into jewelry, or they are used in making various decorative objects.

  3. Carvings and Sculptures: Bumble bee jasper is also used by artisans to create intricate and detailed carvings and sculptures.

  4. Home Décor: This stone is also used in creating beautiful home décor items like coasters, small accent pieces, and decorative tiles because this stone’s vivid colors add a tinge of warmth to your home’s interior spaces.


Bumble bee jasper is a highly valued stone that is loved for its captivating look and properties. This healing stone has a range of uses and applications, from jewelry making to home décor. You can receive great benefits from this stone and make great shifts in life. We hope that you liked this blog where we covered various aspects regarding bumble bee jasper stone. In case you wish to buy bumble bee jasper jewelry, you can buy it from Sagacia Jewelry. At Sagacia, we have a huge inventory of sterling silver gemstone jewelry. So, browse the website of Sagacia and order what you like.