Blue Agate: History, Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits


One of the few gemstones that embodies inner beauty is blue agate. Before we begin our discussion on blue agate, let's discuss what agates are. Agates are a variety of chalcedony. From the surface, or from outside, they look distasteful and less desirable. However, when these stones are cracked open, you will discover a beautifully banded and vividly patterned interior. This interior of agate has bright colors as well as banded shapes. Because of this beauty, these agates are used in making gemstone jewelry, like blue agate jewelry.

Believed to be one of the most pleasing and breathtaking agates in the world, blue agate is considered a fascinating gemstone by the crystal healer community which claims that this gemstone brings tranquillity and peace to the lives of those who wear blue agate jewelry. The blue agate gemstone is famous for the calming properties it possesses, and the patterns of different shades of blue alongside white make this stone an absolute stunner. Through this article, we will discuss many things about the blue agate gemstone, such as its history, meaning, healing properties, and benefits.

What is Blue Agate Gemstone?

The blue agate gemstone comes under the category of banded agate within the chalcedony mineral family. Chalcedony is nothing but a quartz mineral family in which you will find earthy gems such as Black Onyx, Deerfawn Jasper, Moss Agate, etc. Within quartz, blue agate is the cryptocrystalline variant of quartz. One specialty of the blue agate stone is its translucent nature. You will never find two agate stones possessing the exact same pattern. You can say that each agate is unique in and of itself.

The color of blue agate is because of the interaction of cryptocrystalline quartz with trace minerals like chromium and iron. The blue agate stone within the blue agate jewelry is polished in order to showcase its colors and patterns in the best way possible. The chemical formula of blue agate is SiO2. On the Moh’s Scale of Mineral Hardness, blue agate ranks between 6.5 and 7, which is why you can consider it to be a fairly hard stone.

History of Blue Agate Stone

The term “agate” originated because of a Greek philosopher whose name was Theophrastus. He coined the term “Achates” for agates. Why so? He was inspired by the Achates River which is located in Italy. Along the shores of this river, agate was discovered by Theophrastus. Later, Achates was translated into English language and hence the stone name became agate. As a stone, blue agate has been there for thousands of years. The earliest uses of blue agate gemstones in recorded history are traced back to about 3000 years.

There are many legends associated with blue agate stone. Some people in the past claimed that the blue agate gemstone as well as blue agate jewelry can turn its wearer invisible. Many ancient civilizations have used blue agate for making jewelry such as blue agate rings, blue agate pendants, blue agate earrings, blue agate necklaces, and blue agate bracelets. Blue agate has also been used by ancient civilizations for making ornamental artifacts and for making objects such as statues.

Different civilizations have claimed that this stone possesses magical powers. For instance, the Celts linked agate to Ceridwen, the goddess of death and fertility. Similarly, for ancient Egyptians, blue agate was a stone that brought healing, and they wore blue agate jewelry, especially blue agate amulets.

Meaning and Origin of Blue Agate Gemstone

Blue Agate stone has originated from volcanoes, and you can say it is a volcanic rock. Basically, Blue agate is formed when lava transforms into drops of melaphyre in the presence of rainwater, silica, and minerals such as iron and chromium. One thing that you must always remember is the pattern and bands of agate depend on the chalcedony that composes it.

The first mine of agate was found in Sicily, Italy. Currently, agates are found all over the world, but the finest varieties of blue agate are found in countries such as Morocco, China, Iceland, Russia, and India. The most exploited mines of blue agate where agate used to be found in abundance in earlier times are located in Uruguay, Southern Brazil, Mexico, and Madagascar.

Healing Properties and Benefits of Blue Agate Stone

Physical Healing Properties

It is said that blue agate gemstone promotes good health and aids in speedy recovery from various illnesses. If you are dealing with any sort of respiratory problems, such as asthma, then you should wear a blue agate necklace or blue agate pendant. Blue agate jewelry also controls fever, which is why if you are facing typhoid or malaria, it's best to wear a blue agate ring or blue agate bracelet. Last but not least, blue agate jewelry purifies the lymphatic nodes, aids if you are facing thyroid deficiency, and speeds up the repair work of torn ligaments and bones that are fractured.

Emotional Healing Properties

As mentioned in the introduction, blue agate has many emotional healing properties. For instance, blue agate can calm down your reactiveness, turn you proactive, control hyperactivity, and bring erratic emotions under control. It also calms off fiery emotions, such as anger, rage, and hatred. Blue agate is able to heal all fiery emotions because it has vibrations that calm and soothe the individual. Last but not least, the blue agate jewelry enables you to clear negativity and get rid of toxic vibes, thus enabling you to live in perfect harmony with your surrounding environment.

Spiritual Healing Benefits

Gemstone jewelry such as blue agate jewelry, moonstone jewelry, opal jewelry, amethyst jewelry, and Citrine jewelry is famous in the crystal healer community for the spiritual healing benefits the gemstone possesses. The blue agate jewelry is especially helpful when you are facing desperation, loneliness, and anxiety. The blue agate stone not only grounds you to Mother Nature, but it also illuminates higher spiritual truths to you, thus inviting peace, relaxation, and tranquility in your life. Last but not least, blue agate jewelry also allows you to get rid of self-sabotaging tendencies, thus making your life more balanced and stable.

Blue Agate Jewelry that is Handcrafted at Sagacia Jewelry

Up until this point, we have covered everything that you need to be aware of regarding blue agate stone. By knowing the ranking of blue agate on Moh’s Scale, you know it’s a tough stone and you can expect the blue agate jewelry to be sturdy, especially when it’s made in 925 sterling silver. You are also aware of the mystical healing properties and benefits of this stone. So, are you ready to introduce this beauty into your life, and feel more relaxed and peaceful?

You can do so by purchasing Blue Agate jewelry on Sagacia Jewelry. This is a particular gemstone jewelry within our sterling silver jewelry range. Apart from blue agate jewelry, we sell various other gemstone jewelry, such as amber jewelry, blue opal jewelry, desert druzy jewelry, and labradorite jewelry. The blue agate jewellery that you will find at Sagacia Jewelry is basically statement jewelry. They are large, elaborate jewelry pieces that are handcrafted for an eye-catching, bold look.

Within gemstone jewelry, we also have birthstone jewelry. And lastly, if your eye is on the blue agate pendant, then we have complementing silver chains for that which are also made in pure sterling silver. Each piece within our 925 sterling silver jewelry range tells a unique story. So, purchase them now!